Quentin Hughes Symposium

Organised by Palazzo Falson in collaboration with the Department of Art and Art History at the University of Malta.

Delivered on  29th February 2020 at the Phoenicia Malta, Floriana.

The Symposium was being organised in a collaborative effort between Palazzo Falson and the Department of Art and Art History at the University of Malta to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the birth of Quentin Hughes. Quentin Hughes was an architect and architectural historian who headed the School of Architecture at the Royal University of Malta in 1968, and pioneered the study of architectural history of Malta.

00:00:00 - Opening Address: Caroline Tonna, curator of Palazzo Falson The Collected Exchange of Letters Between Quentin Hughes and Olof Gollcher by Caroline Tonna

00:18:11 - Quentin Hughes: a Personal Appreciation by Dr Roger Vella Bonavita

00:35:23 - Wartime Memories and Beyond presented by Marquis de Piro obo Prof. Richard England

00:48:22 - The Professor by Perit Anton Valentino

01:07:58 - Two Weeks in Malta with Quentin Hughes presented by Dr Charles P. Azzopardi obo David Wrightson

01:14:46 - Nostalgia: The Publisher and the Author by Joseph Mizzi

01:27:10 - Tribute to Quentin Hughes: A Friend and An Inspirational Mentor by Prof. Conrad Thake

01:39:16 - Closing Remarks by Jo Hughes